English for Specific Purposes Conference will not be held in April 2023
Stay tuned for updates!
#ITMOesp #MakingBridges
ITMO University invites you to participate in the Fifth International Conference “More than ESP”. The Conference traditionally gathers participants from multifaceted spheres, both academic and business. The event provides a valuable opportunity to gain practical knowledge in dealing with multiple challenges of teaching students with various majors.
Participation in the Conference will be especially beneficial for university faculty staff members teaching English in non-linguistic institutions, as well as for those dealing with English-Medium instruction. EL professionals employed in public schools and private language schools will also find participation useful and rewarding.
In 2023 the conference will be devoted to Making bridges. Throughout our educational and professional paths we always make bridges: between a teacher and a student, a school and a university, between universities within one country and across the globe, between a university and a place of employment. In the three days of the conference we’ll see how to adapt to and exist in this multi-actor system.

5 reasons to visit
- Hands-on workshops and sessions on the relevant ESP topics
- Leading experts in the field
- Ample online networking opportunities during speed networking sessions
- 200+ participants
- Access to the recordings of the conference
The Сonference is to be held offline on April 26-28, 2023.
The presentations will cover aspects of the following areas:
- English for Specific Purposes
- English as a Medium of Instruction
- Russian as a Foreign Language
- Continuous Professional Development
- Teaching English and in English at School
- Administration of an ESL Department
Sign up for updates and we’ll let you know via email when the early bird registration opens in October 2022!

Maryam Reyhani
EMI Coordinator, ITMO University, Russia

Maryanna Koehring
Business Owner, English for the Job, LLC English Language Specialist, USA

Antonina Puchkovskaya
Head of Digital Humanities Lab, ITMO University, Russia

Dorothy Zemach
ELT teacher trainer, textbook author & editor Macmillan Education, USA

Anastasiia Nikulenko
Head of the Foreign Language Training Center, ITMO University, Russia

Ben Goldstein
Teacher trainer & materials writer Cambridge University Press, UK

Ida Grbic Ivanovic
Regional Business Development Manager Career‑Focused Education, Pearson, Croatia

Tord Talmo
Associate Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Elis Kakoulli Constantinou
English language instructor, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Learn about our Program and Organizing Committees.
"I am really thrilled to have been in the company of wonderful experts from different fields, and this is one more thing that I value your conference for!"
"I really enjoyed the Round Table discussion"
"It was nice to meet so many enthusiasts of ESP in one place. I greatly enjoyed the friendly and highly professional atmosphere of the conference, all the sessions I attended were practice-oriented, very productive and motivating"
"Both the organization and sessions were superb"
Selected photos from 2019 Conference